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Thursday, December 08, 2011


Disclaimer: Dream Weaver does not side with any specific political affiliation and is supportive of the current government administration regardless of the political party the majority of the people it constitutes.

Image courtesy of Charlie Sindiong
I always have been trying to avoid politics in the course of my collective consciousness. I find it a very sensitive topic; it might even get me into a fight. And although I love my country ( I just cannot replace it with a Green Card or whatever color any other country may have it on) and would dream about seeing in the not-so-distant future our beloved Philippines as prosperous in every aspects, I personally deemed it useless to add to its miseries by getting too much involved in its politics. Not that I come from a political family, which  I don't by the way, but of just being a responsible citizen aware of all the goings-on and such. I don't need to be in the streets to join rallies to prove my point although if you come to think of it, I might even be more deserving to be there than some of those who had participated. For one thing, I pay taxes dutifully as they are deducted from my monthly earnings even before I receive it on my account. Not that I complain about it since it's my duty and I'm proud to be fulfilling just that. I don't need to be very vocal on my views, not because I can just write it <LOL>, I would only say my word when I feel it's more than enough and always make it sure that  its done in a constructive way; Criticism is not always negative and a good one does not take sides, you know. Ranting about the current government is not my thing, coz in the first place its not always helping. Taking some other definite and effective actions are, whether individually or in a group.

Working for a cause or joining a group whose goal is making the world a better place to live in is one way of helping and paying back society. Most importantly I guess, we all need to be aware of what's going on around us. Not just the bad things that we, a cynical hard-to-please lot, tend to easily notice and pinpoint BUT the good ones as well. What we basically lack as a people is our sense of trust in our government and we cannot blame ourselves for doing so, with our history mired with corruptions and exploitations by people we thought we had trusted enough to vote for them. But then again let's don't forget there's always another day to look up to things and be more positive and trusting. I mean, although it might look that majority of them might be less of what we expect, especially value-wise, but not all of them are like that. If there's bad fruit, there's always a good fruit. I also believe it is really good to attend conferences or invitations by our local governments and knowing about the plans our local fathers have for our respective towns or cities, because it gives us a deep sense of pride. Love of place is the root, Patriotism is the bigger picture. We would help our country, regardless of the leaders who are in position right now if we have it truly burning in our hearts.  
It is my ardent wish to still be alive when the Philippines attain its absolute prosperity. How about you?

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