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Sunday, December 04, 2011

Those Spurts of Fleeting Inspiration


I promise to write on my blog everyday.

Ok, ok, I take that back...just only when I feel like it. This is my 19th blog entry so far since I started in October, so do not bet on my first statement.<chuckles> I just don't want be a monotonous twerp blogging basically the same formulaic words everyday: I eat, sleep, work, eat, sleep, work, infinitum.

Sometimes emotions get hold of you that you wanna burst so you need to let it out (this is exactly what I feel at times), or you think you have this best plot for a prospective best-seller or whatever it is that bugs you all day; the best thing to do to appease your tormented soul is to jot down these "ephemeral children of the mind"  but when these i-have-the-greatest-idea/story-and-i-wanna-write-it-down moments happen, it's usually you're nowhere near some piece of paper and a pen or anything to record those down. What a waste of ideas, forever lost in the drain of collective passing memories. Like dreams, they just pop-up and then gone. Just like love and midnight kisses, they "...seem to cool in the warmth of the sun." as one Nat King Cole song goes.

I won't promise on the everyday blogging, don't bet on me on that. And hopefully I'm in front of my laptop whenever those fleeting moments hit me. And for those ideas/thoughts lost, I mourn them. Darn! Who knows I could have been the next literary wonder....<sigh>

Till next time!
The Callcenter Boy - Literary Aspirant


  1. Another way to have more blog entries is to make an article our of your Facebook/Google plus status updates.

    It has been effective so far.

  2. Hey thanks for the tip GogoPower. I would try that. I really haven't thought of that before. Thanks again! ^__^
